
Pass'Portes Kids

Pass'Portes Kids for the young riders supervised by French mountainbike instructors!

Choice of 3 departure stations:

In France: Châtel, Les Gets and Morzine

Before you leave

Don't forget :
- Your helmet and gloves (compulsory)
- Other protective clothing (knee pads recommended)
- A suitable mountain bike
- Backpack and water bag
- Warm clothes and rainwear

-Your identity card,
-parental authorisation (to be downloaded during registration)
-permission to leave the country (AST), required if the route passes through Switzerland. Information and form (downloadable during registration) to fill in and put in the child's bag. This is a form prepared and signed by a parent (or legal guardian). The form must be accompanied by a photocopy of the parent's ID.

Useful information

Opening dates

From Saturday 29 to Sunday 30 June 2024 at 8.30 am.


Child: 30 € ((+ €3 management and processing fees per person)).

Purchases from abroad are made in euros at the current rate.